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Yoast SEO 5.9


  • Fixes a bug where the title isn't added back to the HTML when the debug marker has been disabled.
  • Fixes a bug where multiple help panels showed up when clicking on different help buttons.
  • Fixes a bug where the Help Center wouldn't be closed when clicking the Go Premium link.
  • Fixes a bug where the cornerstone setting for a post would be lost when quick editing the post.
  • Fixes a bug where newly created posts were taken into account for the link count, resulting in MySQL errors. Props to stodorovic.
  • Fixes a bug where Premium plugins were being treated as plugins in the 'suggested plugin' notifications, resulting in download errors.
  • Fixes a bug where an empty div was visible when both Content and Readability analysis are disabled.


  • Shows a notice regarding opening the Onboarding Wizard when the plugin is installed for the first time.
  • Makes it easier to unhook the debug code rendered as HTML comment.
  • Implements the Reactified content analysis.
  • Introduces the wpseo_add_opengraph_additional_images filter to allow additional OpenGraph Images to be added at a low priority.
  • Changes the Dashboard widget's progress bar height to 24px.
  • Makes the 'Next' and 'Back' buttons in the Onboarding Wizard focusable.
  • Adds grouping of feedback within the content analysis, in the following categories: 'errors', 'problems', 'needs improvement', 'considerations', and 'good'. Each category can be expanded and collapsed.